This file contains a detailed explanation of the changes between individual versions of XINS. $Id: CHANGES,v 1.1907.2.31 2007/04/02 07:59:50 agoubard Exp $ ______________________________________________________________________________ CHANGES INTRODUCED IN XINS 1.5.2 FINAL: * XINS/Java Common Library: - Fixed bug #1665175: Set the character encoding as UTF-8 as the server uses this setting to also decode the URL parameters. - Added support for the setCharacterEncoding in the internal Servlet container. - Fixed missing _list, _set and _hex in the list of the possible pre-defined types in the spec package. * XINS/Java Server Framework: - Fixed bug #1665175: If no character encoding is specified, use UTF-8. * Generation of client-side Java code: - If any of the specification files change, the should be regenerated. * Generated build file: - If no error codes are defined, do not check for them. * XSLT: - Avoid unnecessary if condition in checkParameters(). * Tools: - Updated pom.xml generation with version 1.5.2 for xins. * Build- and release-process: - Fixed bug #1657846: css directory is missing from the release. ______________________________________________________________________________ CHANGES INTRODUCED IN XINS 1.5.1 FINAL: * XINS/Java Common Library: - BeanUtils#convertObject will also convert from String to Date or Timestamp. - Fixed bug #1600564: Added missing methods to List and Set used for standard types. - Don't throw NPE if no query string in the internal Servlet container. - Fixed bug #1636021: NPE in ServletRequestPropertyReader constructor. * XINS/Java Server Framework: - Fixed bug #1604364: Numbers and booleans should also be shown in the session XML. - The Control command will also return the HTML if an action is executed. - Return HTTP OK with XML MIME type when mode=template is used for the XINS FF. - Added new runtime property for the XSLT calling convention which allows to pass the template location as one of the parameter to the request. - Added handling of output parameters and data section for defined error codes. - In the XINS FF, the session ID is stored using the subdomain host name. * Tools: - Fixed bug #1601190: Added Jaxen as needed libraries for PMD. - Fixed bug #1604553: Missing config.xml file for the checkstyle task. - Fixed bug #1631365: Checkstyle-generated HTML does not show file names. * Generation of the WSDL: - Fixed the shared types had a '/' in the WSDL name. - Fixed error codes were skipped. - Added handling of output parameters and data section for defined error codes. * Generated build file: - Fixed missing reference to the 1.5 DTD files for the generated logdoc build.xml file. - Fixed copy a shared type starting with lowercase was failing because the mapper was ignored when file is used in the copy Ant task. - Fixed the build directory is "${project_home}/build" instead of "build" so that you can run xins from another directory. - Do not include the impl.xml and the class files from the impl directory into the WAR file. * XSLT: - Fixed missing project_node parameters for some methods defined in types.xslt. * Build- and release-process: - Included the missing fileupload/lib directory in the release. ______________________________________________________________________________ CHANGES INTRODUCED IN XINS 1.5.0 FINAL: * XINS/Java Server Framework: - The default command in xins ff could also be unrestricted. - The request and result method in the session manager of the xins ff can be extended. - The shouldLogIn() method shouldn't check the HttpSession in the xins ff. - The _session of the SessionManager might be null if the xins ff is not used. * Generated build file: - Remove the classes generated by the tests when calling clean-. - Starting the Servlet container for the test coverage is now optional. - Build failed if the API contained only shared types. * Lodoc: - Ignorable exceptions shouldn't be logged at ERROR level. * Build- and release-process: - Leave the rabbit as is. * Tools: - Partially fixed bug #1598355: Maven pom.xml is wrongly generated. * Demo: - Fixed incorrect replace in the copy-nb-files target for NetBeans. ______________________________________________________________________________ CHANGES INTRODUCED IN XINS 1.5.0 RC 1: * XINS/Java Common Library: - Increased some FastStringWriter capacity for performance. * XINS/Java Server Framework: - Increased some FastStringWriter capacity for performance. * Tools: - Added a working set to Eclipse Ant builder in order to recompile the project if the specifications change. * Generated build file: - Added the list of tools to the help target. * Documentation: - Rebranded Wanadoo Nederland B.V. to Orange Nederland Breedband B.V. * Examples: - Rebranded Wanadoo Nederland B.V. to Orange Nederland Breedband B.V. - The task should only be executed with NetBeans. ______________________________________________________________________________ CHANGES INTRODUCED IN XINS 1.5.0 BETA 4: * XINS/Java Common Library: - Added convertion in BeanUtils of Object to primitive types and also of String or EnumItem to EnumItem. - Fixed Javadoc links. - Removed unused imports and variables with help of PMD. - Cleaned up code using checkstyle. - Added @since XINS 1.5.0. to new methods and classes. - Fixed small issues discovered by FindBugs. - Improved serialization of the request and result as reported by Lint4j. - Added close method to the InputStream of the internal servlet container. - Added check that the InputStream in the internal servlet container reads the input. - Removed post condition check which was using too much CPU time. - Replaced exception.printStackTrace() with correct logging. - Slightly improved the HTTPServletHandler, correctly handling exceptions from the httpQuery method, and logging ignored exceptions caused by the closing of streams. * XINS/Java Server Framework: - Fixed XML declaration in the conditional redirection in the xins ff. - Param-combo should be handled differently for the xins ff. - Added more tests for the xins ff. - Removed EngineState.getType() (a private, unused method). - Setting, getting and removing session properties in the xins ff ckeck that the property name is not null. - Fixed Javadoc links. - Removed unused imports and variables with help of PMD. - Cleaned up code using checkstyle. - Avoid NPE when no function is specified in the xins ff. - Added @since XINS 1.5.0. to new methods and classes. - Fixed small issues discovered by FindBugs. - Improved start-up performance by lazy instantiating the Control template in xins ff. - Check for not null command in xins ff. - Added _userAgent in the session. - Replaced exception.printStackTrace() with correct logging. * XINS/Java Client Framework: - Fixed Javadoc links. - Cleaned up code using checkstyle. - Fixed small issues discovered by FindBugs. - Added log 2117 in case of problems using the file protocol. * Generation of server-side Java code: - Added tests for the default attribute. - Added tests for the param-combo based on values. - Changed the accessor of the get and isSet methods of the generated Request objects to public. * Generation of client-side Java code: - Added tests for the default attribute. - Added tests for the param-combo based on values. * Generation of specdocs: - Fixed #1409765: No function status on category page. * Generated build file: - The xins-eclipse.user-libraries to use for Eclipse will be in xins\tools\eclipse. - The property used to define the PMD rules is now pmd.rules and has rulesets/basic.xml,rulesets/unusedcode.xml as default value. - PMD tool target makes use of the property. - Fixed incorrect source directory for the cvschangelog target. - Fixed generation of the JMeter file in the incorrect directory. - Findbugs target now generates an HTML report. - The script fails nicely if jmeter.home or findbugs.home is not specified. - Added Lint4J to the tools targets. * Build- and release-process: - Removed the NOTES file as the NOTES file is now online. - Renamed checkstyle config.xml to config-xins.xml as the config.xml is used to check APIs. - Recompile before profiling. - Target executed during the release should depend on -init-release. * NetBeans: - Added specdocs to the context menu of the project. - The profile target should be started from the Profile -> Profile Main Project menu item. ______________________________________________________________________________ CHANGES INTRODUCED IN XINS 1.5.0 BETA 3: * XINS/Java Common Library: - Fixed bug #1560676: Creating a CAPI throws NullPointerException. - Refactored servlet container. Fixed a couple of small issues, such as support for non-standard HTTP methods. - Improved possible convertion cases for the BeanUtils class. - String representation of a PropertyReader should contain the empty values. - Changed Boolean.valueOf(boolean) as not compatible with Java 1.3. * XINS/Java Client Framework: - Fixed bug #1252449. HTTP calls performed by the HTTPServiceCaller are never retried anymore. - Fixed a small Java 1.3 compatibility issue in class XINSServiceCaller. * XINS/Java Server Framework: - Fixed bug #1531618. HTTP HEAD requests for the standard calling conventions now return a proper Content-Length header. - Fixed bug #1252449. HTTP calls performed by the _CheckLinks function are never retried anymore. - Fixed a small issue, the HTTP method was converted to upper case, although the W3C explicitly says the HTTP method is case-sensitive. - Refactored the way HTTP OPTIONS is handled. - Refactored the supported HTTP methods for calling conventions. - Made some code in the front-end framework compatible with Java 1.3. - Fixed possible NPE in the xins ff cc. * Generation of server-side Java code: - Fixed support for special characters in the default attribute. - Fixed support for default attribute in a data section attribute. * Generation of client-side Java code: - Fixed support for special characters in the default attribute. - Default should be used when calling using the several argument call method. - Output parameters with default will always return a value. * Generation of the opendoc: - Fixed the names of the elements of the data section were not displayed correctly. - Improved the format of the default value for a parameter or attribute. - Fixed the document is re-created if the specifications have changed. - Added the param-combo and attribute-combo in the generated document. * Generation of the stub: - Fixed optional parameters should call the generated isSet method before calling the get method. * Generated build file: - Fixed the generated resultcodes.xml file was not read when the implementation has a specific name. * Generation of the specdocs: - Fixed bug #1409772. Category pages now link back to the API page. * Build- and release-process: - Added support for 'junit.showoutput' property. When set to 'true', it also sends output to the console. - Split 'copy-docs-demo' target into 'copy-docs' and 'copy-demo' targets, in build-dev.xml. - Advising docbook-xsl 1.70.1 instead of 1.65.1, if DOCBOOK_XSLT_HOME is not set. - Added support for 'nodocs' parameter. If set, then no Javadoc is generated, nor any documentation in xins-docs. - Added support for 'nomanuals' parameter, then the documentation in xins-docs is not generated. ______________________________________________________________________________ CHANGES INTRODUCED IN XINS 1.5.0 BETA 2: * XINS/Java Common Library: - Fixed bug #1558478: Internal servlet container assumes path is query string. - Fixed various problems in the antlib.xml file. * XINS/Java Server Framework: - Input parameters are stored in the session only when the function is successful and that the input parameter is defined in the function. - Control command of the XINS FF returns HTML instead of XML. - Special commands of the XINS FF should just return OK. - Fixed bug for the ReadConfigFile action in the XINS FF. - In the XINS FF, the session should be always notified of the result. - Ignore the XSLT not found in the refresh command of the XINS FF. - Simplified Log4J MBeans registration. - JMX MBean for the API contains the name of the API in the ObjectName. - Session parameters set during the call of the function shouldn't be overwritten by the input parameters in the XINS FF CC. * Generation of server-side Java code: - isSet method is not generated if the parameter has a default value. - Fixed conditions for the param-combo based on a parameter value. - Fixed generated equals method for the request when a parameter has a default value. * Generation of the specdocs: - Improved layout of the generation of the runtime properties page. * Generated logdoc: - Changed generated Ant build files to use instead of the synonym