 * $Id: CheckLinks.java,v 1.44 2012/03/15 21:07:39 agoubard Exp $
 * See the COPYRIGHT file for redistribution and use restrictions.
package org.xins.server;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpOptions;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase;
import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler;
import org.apache.http.params.CoreConnectionPNames;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import org.xins.common.MandatoryArgumentChecker;
import org.xins.common.Utils;
import org.xins.common.service.Descriptor;
import org.xins.common.service.TargetDescriptor;
import org.xins.common.xml.ElementBuilder;

 * Checks all the links in the given <code>descriptor</code>s list and builds
 * a <code>FunctionResult</code>. It connects to each link in
 * {@link TargetDescriptor}s in {@link Descriptor}s list using a
 * {@link URLChecker} and calculates the total links count and
 * total links failures. The returned {@link FunctionResult} contains
 * information about total links checked, failures and details.
 * The following example uses a {@link CheckLinks} object to get the
 * {@link FunctionResult}.
 * <blockquote><pre>
 * FunctionResult result = CheckLinks.checkLinks(descriptorList);
 * // Returns parameters
 * result.getParameters();
 * </pre></blockquote>
 * @version $Revision: 1.44 $ $Date: 2012/03/15 21:07:39 $
 * @author <a href="mailto:tauseef.rehman@orange-ftgroup.com">Tauseef Rehman</a>
class CheckLinks {

    * The failure message to be added in the <code>FunctionResult</code> when
    * the exception is <code>UnknownHostException</code>.
   private static final String UNKNOWN_HOST = "UnknownHost";

    * The failure message to be added in the <code>FunctionResult</code> when
    * the exception is <code>ConnectTimeoutException</code> or the message
    * of the exception starts with "Connect timed out".
   private static final String CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "ConnectionTimeout";

    * The failure message to be added in the <code>FunctionResult</code> when
    * the exception is <code>ConnectException</code>.
   private static final String CONNECTION_REFUSAL = "ConnectionRefusal";

    * The failure message to be added in the <code>FunctionResult</code> when
    * the exception is <code>SocketTimeoutException</code>.
   private static final String SOCKET_TIMEOUT = "SocketTimeout";

    * The failure message to be added in the <code>FunctionResult</code> when
    * the exception is <code>IOException</code>.
   private static final String OTHER_IO_ERROR = "OtherIOError";

    * The failure message to be added in the <code>FunctionResult</code> when
    * the exception is an unknown <code>Exception</code>.
   private static final String OTHER_FAILURE = "OtherFailure";

    * The success message to be added in the <code>FunctionResult</code>.
   private static final String SUCCESS = "Success";

    * HTTP retry handler that does not allow any retries.
   private static DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler NO_RETRIES = new DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler(0, false);

    * Checks all the links in <code>TargetDescriptor</code>s inside the
    * <code>Descriptor</code> list and builds a <code>FunctionResult</code>.
    * First gets all the {@link TargetDescriptor}s from the
    * {@link Descriptor}s list then creates {@link URLChecker} threads with
    * {@link TargetDescriptor}s and runs them. When all the threads have
    * finished execution, the {@link FunctionResult} is built and returned.
    * The returned {@link FunctionResult} contains all the links which were
    * checked with their results.
    * @param descriptors
    *    the list of {@link Descriptor}s defined in the runtime properties,
    *    cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    the constructed {@link FunctionResult} object, never
    *    <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>descriptors == null</code>.
   static FunctionResult checkLinks(List<Descriptor> descriptors)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("descriptors", descriptors);

      List<URLChecker> threads = new ArrayList<URLChecker>();
      if (!descriptors.isEmpty()) {

         // Get all the targets from the descriptor list
         List<TargetDescriptor> targetDescriptors = getTargetDescriptors(descriptors);

         // Create the thread for each target and run them
         threads = createAndRunUrlCheckers(targetDescriptors);

         // Get the biggest time-out from all the targets
         int timeout = getBiggestTimeout(targetDescriptors);

         // Wait till all the threads finish their execution or timedout.
         waitTillThreadsRunning(threads, timeout);

         // Confirm all threads have finished their execution.

      // Start building the result
      FunctionResult builder = new FunctionResult();
      int errorCount = (!descriptors.isEmpty())
                          ? addCheckElements(builder, threads)
                          : 0;
      builder.param("linkCount", String.valueOf(threads.size()));
      builder.param("errorCount", String.valueOf(errorCount));

      return builder;

    * Creates a list of <code>TargetDescriptor</code>s from the
    * given <code>Descriptor</code>s list. Each {@link Descriptor} in the
    * list contains a list of {@link TargetDescriptor}s, which are added to
    * the returned list.
    * @param descriptors
    *    the list of {@link Descriptor}s, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    the constructed {@link TargetDescriptor}s list, never
    *    <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>descriptors == null</code>.
   private static List<TargetDescriptor> getTargetDescriptors(List<Descriptor> descriptors)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("descriptors", descriptors);

      List     targetDescriptors  = new ArrayList();

      // Each descriptor in the list contains target descriptors, so
      // iterate over descriptors and get all the target descriptors, then
      // iterate over each target descriptor and get the individual
      // target descriptors.
      for (Descriptor descriptor : descriptors) {
         for (TargetDescriptor targetDescriptor : descriptor) {

            // Add all the target descriptors in a list

      return targetDescriptors;

    * Creates and runs a thread for each <code>TargetDescriptor</code> in the
    * given list. Each {@link TargetDescriptor} in the list contains a URL. A
    * {@link URLChecker} thread is created for each {@link TargetDescriptor},
    * which tries to connect to the URL provided in the
    * {@link TargetDescriptor}. Each thread is then added to a list which is
    * returned.
    * @param targetDescriptors
    *    the list of {@link TargetDescriptor}s which needs to be checked,
    *    cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    the constructed {@link URLChecker}s list, never <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>targetDescriptors == null</code>.
   private static List<URLChecker> createAndRunUrlCheckers(List<TargetDescriptor> targetDescriptors)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("targetDescriptors", targetDescriptors);

      // Iterate over all target descriptors
      List<URLChecker>     threads = new ArrayList<URLChecker>();
      for (TargetDescriptor target : targetDescriptors) {

         // Create a thread for the target descriptor
         URLChecker urlThread = new URLChecker(target);

         // Start the thread with target descriptor

         // Store the thread just started in a list

      return threads;

    * Returns the biggest time-out of all the URLs defined in
    * <code>TargetDescriptor</code>s list. Each {@link TargetDescriptor} in
    * the list has total time-out. The biggest of all of them is returned.
    * This time-out is then used to setup the time-outs of the
    * {@link URLChecker} threads.
    * @param targetDescriptors
    *    the list of {@link TargetDescriptor}s, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    the biggest time-out from the list, or <code>-1</code> if none of the
    *    target descriptors defines a time-out.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>targetDescriptors == null</code>.
   private static int getBiggestTimeout(List<TargetDescriptor> targetDescriptors)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("targetDescriptors", targetDescriptors);

      int      biggestTimeout = -1;

      // Iterate over all target descriptors
      for (TargetDescriptor target : targetDescriptors) {

         // Try to get the biggest time out of all the target descriptors
         if (biggestTimeout < target.getTotalTimeOut()) {
            biggestTimeout = target.getTotalTimeOut();

      return biggestTimeout;

    * Sets up the time-out for each thread and waits till each thread finishes
    * execution. The time-out is the biggest time-out of all the URLs in
    * {@link TargetDescriptor}s. Timeout for every next thread also considers
    * the time which is already spent and that time is subtracted from the
    * time-out for the current thread.
    * @param threads
    *    the list of {@link URLChecker} threads, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param timeout
    *    the time-out for {@link URLChecker} threads.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>threads == null</code>.
   private static void waitTillThreadsRunning(List<URLChecker> threads, int timeout)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("threads", threads);

      long threadTimeout      = timeout;

      // Storing the time approximately when the first thread was started
      long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      try {

         for (URLChecker urlThread : threads) {

            // If the previous thread was setup with a certain time-out
            // the next thread should be setup with a time-out subtracted
            // by the time which is already passed.
            long endTime    = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long timePassed = endTime - startTime;
            threadTimeout   = timeout - timePassed;

            // If the time-out becomes negative, it means that the total
            // time-out interval has passed now we do not need to setup
            // time-out for threads and they all should have finished
            // execution by now.
            if (threadTimeout <= 0) {
      } catch (InterruptedException exception) {

         // The exception is thrown when another thread has interrupted
         // the current thread. This should never happen so it should log
         // a programming error and throw a ProgrammingException.
         throw Utils.logProgrammingError(exception);

    * Confimrs that each <code>URLChecker</code> has finished its execution.
    * If some threads are still running, inforce a connection time-out and let
    * it run and ignore.
    * @param threads
    *    the list of {@link URLChecker} threads, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>threads == null</code>.
   private static void confirmThreadsStopped(List<URLChecker> threads)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {
      for (URLChecker urlThread : threads) {

         // Check if thread is still alive.
         if (urlThread.isAlive()) {

            // Enforce a time-out for the thread and log it.

    * Builds the <code>FunctionResult</code> for all the URLs checked. It
    * iterates over the list of all {@link URLChecker} threads and gets the
    * information like the total time each thread took to execute and the
    * result of the execution. The information is added in an
    * {@link ElementBuilder} object using which {@link org.w3c.dom.Element}
    * is created which then is added to the passed {@link FunctionResult}.
    * @param builder
    *    the {@link FunctionResult} where the result is added, cannot be
    *    <code>null</code>.
    * @param threads
    *    the list of {@link URLChecker} threads, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    the total number of URLs without success.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>builder == null || threads == null</code>.
   private static int addCheckElements(FunctionResult builder, List<URLChecker> threads)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      int errorCount = 0;

      // Iterate over the threads of target descriptors and create the check element.
      for (URLChecker urlThread : threads) {
         Element check = builder.getDataElementBuilder().createElement("check");
         check.setAttribute("url",      urlThread.getURL());
         check.setAttribute("duration", Long.toString(urlThread.getDuration()));
         check.setAttribute("result",   getResult(urlThread));

         if (!urlThread.getSuccess()) {
            errorCount ++;

      return errorCount;

    * Returns the value for the result parameter which is added in the
    * <code>FunctionBuilder</code>. The value of the result depends on the
    * success or failure of the passed {@link URLChecker} thread. If the
    * {@link URLChecker} thread gives a success, the status code of the
    * {@link URLChecker} thread is used to create the value for result
    * parameter, otherwise the exception in the {@link URLChecker} thread
    * determines the value for the result parameter.
    * @param urlThread
    *    the {@link URLChecker} thread for which the result value is to
    *    detemined, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    the result message, never <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>urlThread == null || urlThread.hasRun() == false</code>.
   private static String getResult(URLChecker urlThread)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("urlThread", urlThread);
      if (! urlThread.hasRun()) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("urlThread().hasRun() == false");

      if (urlThread.getSuccess()) {
         return SUCCESS;
      } else {
         return getResult(urlThread.getException(), urlThread.getURL());

    * Returns the value for the result parameter which is added in the
    * <code>FunctionBuilder</code> when the <code>URLChecker</code> thread
    * failed to connect the URL. The value for the result parameter depends
    * on the exception occured in the {@link URLChecker} thread. The
    * exception is passed to this method. Based on the type of exception, an
    * appropriate value is returned.
    * @param exception
    *    the {@link Throwable} exception occured in the {@link URLChecker}
    *    thread, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param url
    *    the url which threw the exception, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    the result message, never <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>exception == null</code>.
   private static String getResult(Throwable exception, String url)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions.
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("exception", exception, "url", url);

      String exceptionName = exception.getClass().getName();
      String result;

      // DNS error, unknown host name
      if (exception instanceof UnknownHostException) {
         result = UNKNOWN_HOST;

      // Connection time-out
      } else if (exception instanceof ConnectTimeoutException) {
         result = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;

      // Connection refused
      } else if (exception instanceof ConnectException) {
         result = CONNECTION_REFUSAL;

      // SocketTimeoutException is not available in older Java versions,
      // so we do not refer to the class to avoid a NoClassDefFoundError.
      } else if (exception instanceof java.net.SocketTimeoutException) {
         result = SOCKET_TIMEOUT;

      // Other I/O error
      } else if (exception instanceof IOException) {
         result = OTHER_IO_ERROR;

      // Other error, apparently not an I/O error
      } else {
         result = OTHER_FAILURE;

      // Log the result and exception.
      Log.log_3502(exception, url, result);

      return result;

    * Creates a new <code>CheckLinks</code> object.
   private CheckLinks() {
      // empty

    * Tries to connect to a URL provided in the
    * <code>TargetDescriptor</code>. Runs as a separate thread. The URL is
    * connected by sending a request associated with an HTTP
    * <code>OPTIONS</code> method. Also calculates the total time to
    * connect to the provided URL.
    * <p>The following example uses a {@link CheckLinks} object to get the
    * {@link FunctionResult}.
    * <blockquote><pre>TargetDescriptor target = new TargetDescriptor();
    * target.setURL("www.hotmail.com");
    * URLChecker urlThread = new URLChecker(target);
    * urlThread.start();
    * String URL = urlThread.getURL();
    * int duration = urlThread.getDuration();
    * boolean success = urlThread.getSuccess();
    * if (!success) {
    *    exception = urlThread.getException();
    * }</pre></blockquote>
    * @version $Revision: 1.44 $ $Date: 2012/03/15 21:07:39 $
    * @author <a href="mailto:tauseef.rehman@orange-ftgroup.com">Tauseef Rehman</a>
   private static final class URLChecker extends Thread {

       * The target descriptor for which the URL needs to be checked. Never
       * <code>null</code>.
      private final TargetDescriptor _targetDescriptor;

       * The URL to be checked. Never <code>null</code>.
      private final String _url;

       * The exception thrown when accessing the URL. Can be
       * <code>null</code> if the <code>URLChecker</code> has not run yet, or
       * if there was no error.
      private Throwable _exception;

       * The result of the URL check. Is <code>true</code> if the
       * <code>URLChecker</code> has run and was successful. If either of
       * these conditions is not met, then <code>false</code>.
      private boolean _success;

       * The time taken to check the URL. Initially <code>-1</code>.
      private long _duration;

       * The status code returned when the URL was called. Initially
       * <code>-1</code>, when the <code>URLChecker</code> was not run yet.
      private int _statusCode;

       * Constructs a new <code>URLChecker</code> for the specified target
       * descriptor.
       * @param targetDescriptor
       *    the {@link TargetDescriptor}, whose URL needs to be checked,
       *    cannot be <code>null</code>.
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException
       *    if <code>targetDescriptor == null</code>.
      public URLChecker(TargetDescriptor targetDescriptor)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {

         // Check preconditions
         MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("targetDescriptor", targetDescriptor);

         // Initialize fields
         _targetDescriptor = targetDescriptor;
         _url              = targetDescriptor.getURL();
         _duration         = -1;
         _statusCode       = -1;

         // Check postconditions
         if (_url == null) {
            throw Utils.logProgrammingError("_url == null");

       * Runs this thread. It tries to connect to the URL provided in the
       * {@link TargetDescriptor}. The URL is connected by sending a request
       * associated with an HTTP <code>OPTIONS</code> method. It also
       * calculates the total time to connect to the provided URL and saves
       * the exception in case an exception occurs.
       * @throws IllegalStateException
       *    if this <code>URLChecker</code> has already run.
      public void run() throws IllegalStateException {

         // Check preconditions
         if (hasRun()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("This URLChecker for URL: "
               + _url + "has already run.");

         // Logging the start of this thread.

         // Register current time, to compute total duration later
         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

         HttpRequestBase optionsMethod = null;
         try {
            DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();

            // Set the socket time-out for the URL.
            client.getParams().setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, _targetDescriptor.getSocketTimeOut());

            // Set the connection time-out for the URL.
            client.getParams().setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, _targetDescriptor.getConnectionTimeOut());


            // Create a new OptionsMethod with the URL, this will represent
            // a request for information about the communication options
            // available on the request/response chain identified by the url.
            // This method allows the client to determine the options and/or
            // requirements associated with a resource, or the capabilities
            // of a server, without implying a resource action or initiating
            // a resource retrieval.
            optionsMethod = new HttpOptions(_url);

            // Execute the OptionsMethod.

            // Successfully executed, so set the success as true.
            _success = true;
         } catch (Throwable exception) {

            // Save the exception and set the success as false as the
            // execution was failed.
            _exception = exception;
            _success = false;
         } finally {

         // Calculate the total time taken to check the URL.
         _duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;

         // Logging the stopping of this thread.
         Log.log_3504(_url, _duration);

       * Checks if this <code>URLChecker</code> has already run.
       * @return
       *    <code>true</code> if this <code>URLChecker</code> has already run,
       *    or <code>false</code> otherwise.
      boolean hasRun() {
         return (_duration >= 0);

       * Checks if this <code>URLChecker</code> has already run and if not,
       * throws an exception.
       * @throws IllegalStateException
       *    if this <code>URLChecker</code> has not run yet.
      private void assertHasRun() throws IllegalStateException {
         if (!hasRun()) {
            String message = "This URLChecker has not run yet. URL: \"" + _url + "\".";
            throw new IllegalStateException(message);

       * Returns the total time it took to connect to the URL.
       * @return
       *    the total duration in milliseconds, or <code>-1</code> if this
       *    thread has not run.
       * @throws IllegalStateException
       *    if this <code>URLChecker</code> has not run yet.
      public long getDuration() throws IllegalStateException {
         return _duration;

       * Returns the flag indicating if the URL was connected successfully.
       * @return
       *    the success flag, Is <code>true</code> if this thread has run and
       *    was successful. If either of these conditions is not met,
       *    then <code>false</code>.
       * @throws IllegalStateException
       *    if this <code>URLChecker</code> has not run yet.
      public boolean getSuccess() throws IllegalStateException {
         return _success;

       * Returns the status code of the method execution.
       * @return
       *    the status code returned when the URL was called. <code>-1</code>,
       *    when this thread has not run.
       * @throws IllegalStateException
       *    if this <code>URLChecker</code> has not run yet.
      public int getStatusCode() throws IllegalStateException {
         return _statusCode;

       * Returns the URL which was connected.
       * @return
       *    the URL, never <code>null</code>.
       * @throws IllegalStateException
       *    if this <code>URLChecker</code> has not run yet.
      public String getURL() throws IllegalStateException {
         return _url;

       * Returns the exception thrown while trying to connect to the URL.
       * @return
       *    the exception, can be <code>null</code>.
       * @throws IllegalStateException
       *    if this <code>URLChecker</code> has not run yet.
      public Throwable getException() throws IllegalStateException {
         return _exception;

       * Enforces a time-out on the <code>URLChecker</code> thread. Actualy
       * the thread is allowed to run and ignored. So set the duration as the
       * initial connection time-out value and create a new
       * {@link ConnectException}.
      public void enforceTimeout() {
         if (! hasRun()) {

            // Set the duration as was defined for connection time-out
            _duration = _targetDescriptor.getConnectionTimeOut();

            // Create a new ConnectException.
            _exception = new ConnectException("Connect timed out");

            // XXX: Currently it is observed that mostly the URLs which are
            // expected to throw a ConnectTimeoutException keeps on running
            // but we need to take care of the situation when because of some
            // other reason the thread is still active.
