Uses of Class

Packages that use Element
org.xins.client XINS client framework.  
org.xins.common Generic utility classes.  
org.xins.common.types.standard Standard XINS types. 
org.xins.common.xml XML-related classes. 
org.xins.server XINS server framework.  

Uses of Element in org.xins.client

Methods in org.xins.client that return Element
 Element XINSCallResultData.getDataElement()
          Returns the optional extra data.
 Element XINSCallResult.getDataElement()
          Returns the optional extra data.
 Element XINSCallRequest.getDataSection()
          Retrieves the data section for the input.
 Element UnsuccessfulXINSCallException.getDataElement()
          Returns the optional extra data.
 Element UnacceptableResultXINSCallException.getDataElement()
          Returns the optional extra data.
protected  Element AbstractCAPICallRequest.getDataElement()
          Gets the data section.

Methods in org.xins.client with parameters of type Element
 void XINSCallRequest.setDataSection(Element dataSection)
          Sets the data section for the input.
protected  void AbstractCAPICallRequest.putDataSection(Element dataSection)
          Sets the data section.
protected  void AbstractCAPICallRequest.add(Element element)
          Add a new Element to the data element.

Constructors in org.xins.client with parameters of type Element
XINSCallRequest(String functionName, PropertyReader parameters, Element dataSection)
          Constructs a new XINSCallRequest for the specified function and parameters, disallowing fail-over unless the request was definitely not (yet) accepted by the service.

Uses of Element in org.xins.common

Methods in org.xins.common with parameters of type Element
static Object BeanUtils.xmlToObject(Element element, Object result, Map elementMapping, Map attributeMapping)
          Fills the result object with of the content of the XML element object.
static Object BeanUtils.xmlToObject(Element element, Object result)
          Fills the result object with of the content of the XML element object.

Constructors in org.xins.common with parameters of type Element
FormattedParameters(PropertyReader parameters, Element dataSection)
          Constructs a new FormattedParameters object.
FormattedParameters(PropertyReader parameters, Element dataSection, String valueIfEmpty, String prefixIfNotEmpty, int maxValueLength)
          Constructs a new FormattedParameters object.

Uses of Element in org.xins.common.types.standard

Methods in org.xins.common.types.standard that return Element
static Element XML.fromStringForRequired(String string)
          Constructs an Element from the specified non-null string.
static Element XML.fromStringForOptional(String string)
          Constructs an Element from the specified string.

Methods in org.xins.common.types.standard with parameters of type Element
static String XML.toString(Element element)
          Converts the specified Element to a string.

Uses of Element in org.xins.common.xml

Methods in org.xins.common.xml that return Element
 Element ElementParser.parse(String text)
          Parses the specified String to create an XML Element object.
 Element ElementParser.parse(InputStream in)
          Parses content of a character stream to create an XML Element object.
 Element ElementParser.parse(Reader in)
          Parses content of a character stream to create an XML Element object.
 Element ElementParser.parse(File file)
          Parses content of a file to create an XML Element object.
 Element ElementBuilder.createElement()
          Creates the Element.
 Element Element.getUniqueChildElement(String elementName)
          Gets the unique child of this element with the specified name.
 Element Element.getUniqueChildElement()
          Gets the unique child of this element.

Methods in org.xins.common.xml with parameters of type Element
 String ElementSerializer.serialize(Element element)
          Serializes the element to XML.
 void ElementSerializer.output(XMLOutputter out, Element element)
          Generates XML for the specified Element.
 void ElementBuilder.addChild(Element child)
          Adds a new child element.
 void Element.addChild(Element child)
          Adds a new child element.
 void Element.removeChild(Element child)
          Removes a child element.

Uses of Element in org.xins.server

Methods in org.xins.server that return Element
protected  Element SOAPMapCallingConvention.readInputElem(Element inputElem, String functionName, String parent, Element parentElement, BasicPropertyReader inputParams)
          Parses the SOAP request element according to the rules specified in this class description.
protected  Element SOAPMapCallingConvention.writeResponse(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, FunctionResult xinsResult)
protected  Element SOAPCallingConvention.readDataSection(Element parametersElem, String functionName)
          Reads the input parameters.
protected  Element SOAPCallingConvention.soapElementTransformation(Map dataSection, boolean input, Element element, boolean top)
          Convert the values of element to the required format.
 Element FunctionResult.getDataElement()
          Gets the data element from this result.
 Element FunctionRequest.getDataElement()
          Gets the data section of the request.
 Element CallContext.getDataElement()
          Returns the data section of the request, if any.

Methods in org.xins.server with parameters of type Element
protected  FunctionRequest SOAPMapCallingConvention.readInput(Element functionElem, String functionName)
          Generates the function request based the the SOAP request.
protected  Element SOAPMapCallingConvention.readInputElem(Element inputElem, String functionName, String parent, Element parentElement, BasicPropertyReader inputParams)
          Parses the SOAP request element according to the rules specified in this class description.
protected  void SOAPMapCallingConvention.writeOutputParameters(String functionName, FunctionResult xinsResult, Element response)
          Writes the output parameters to the SOAP XML.
protected  void SOAPMapCallingConvention.writeOutputParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue, Element parent)
          Write an output parameter to the SOAP response.
protected  void SOAPMapCallingConvention.writeOutputDataSection(String functionName, FunctionResult xinsResult, Element response)
          Writes the output data section to the SOAP XML.
protected  void SOAPMapCallingConvention.writeOutputDataElement(Map dataSectionSpec, Element dataElement, Element parent)
          Write the given output data element in the SOAP response.
protected  BasicPropertyReader SOAPCallingConvention.readInputParameters(Element parametersElem, String functionName)
          Reads the input parameters.
protected  Element SOAPCallingConvention.readDataSection(Element parametersElem, String functionName)
          Reads the input parameters.
protected  Element SOAPCallingConvention.soapElementTransformation(Map dataSection, boolean input, Element element, boolean top)
          Convert the values of element to the required format.
protected  void FunctionResult.add(Element element)
          Adds a new Element to the data element.

Constructors in org.xins.server with parameters of type Element
FunctionRequest(String functionName, PropertyReader parameters, Element dataElement)
          Creates a new FunctionRequest.
FunctionRequest(String functionName, PropertyReader parameters, Element dataElement, boolean skipFunctionCall)
          Creates a new FunctionRequest.
