Uses of Interface

Packages that use PropertyReader
org.xins.client XINS client framework. 
org.xins.common.collections Collection-related utility classes. 
org.xins.common.http HTTP-related utility classes. 
org.xins.common.manageable Interface for manageable objects, with supporting classes. 
org.xins.common.service Service calling classes, supporting load-balancing and failover. 
org.xins.common.servlet Servlet-related utility classes. 
org.xins.common.servlet.container XINS servlet container classes. 
org.xins.common.types.standard Standard XINS types. 
org.xins.server XINS server framework. 
org.xins.server.frontend XINS Frontend Framework. 

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.client

Methods in org.xins.client that return PropertyReader
 PropertyReader XINSCallResultData.getParameters()
          Gets all parameters.
 PropertyReader UnacceptableResultXINSCallException.getParameters()
          Gets all returned parameters.
 PropertyReader UnsuccessfulXINSCallException.getParameters()
          Gets all returned parameters.
 PropertyReader XINSCallRequest.getParameters()
          Gets all parameters to pass with the call, with their respective values.
 PropertyReader XINSCallResult.getParameters()
          Gets all parameters.

Methods in org.xins.client with parameters of type PropertyReader
 void XINSCallRequest.setParameters(PropertyReader parameters)
          Sets the parameters for this function, replacing any existing parameters.

Constructors in org.xins.client with parameters of type PropertyReader
AbstractCAPI(PropertyReader properties, String apiName)
          Creates a new AbstractCAPI object based on the specified set of properties and the specified name.
XINSCallRequest(String functionName, PropertyReader parameters)
          Constructs a new XINSCallRequest for the specified function and parameters, disallowing fail-over unless the request was definitely not (yet) accepted by the service.
XINSCallRequest(String functionName, PropertyReader parameters, Element dataSection)
          Constructs a new XINSCallRequest for the specified function and parameters, disallowing fail-over unless the request was definitely not (yet) accepted by the service.
XINSCallRequest(String functionName, PropertyReader parameters, boolean failOverAllowed)
          Deprecated. Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use XINSCallRequest.XINSCallRequest(String,PropertyReader) in combination with XINSCallRequest.setXINSCallConfig(XINSCallConfig) instead. This constructor is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0.
XINSCallRequest(String functionName, PropertyReader parameters, boolean failOverAllowed, HTTPMethod method)
          Deprecated. Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use XINSCallRequest.XINSCallRequest(String,PropertyReader) in combination with XINSCallRequest.setXINSCallConfig(XINSCallConfig) instead. This constructor is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0.

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.common.collections

Classes in org.xins.common.collections that implement PropertyReader
 class AbstractPropertyReader
          Base for PropertyReader implementations that use an underlying Map instance.
 class BasicPropertyReader
          Modifiable implementation of a property reader.
 class PropertiesPropertyReader
          Property reader based on a Properties object.
 class ProtectedPropertyReader
          Modifiable PropertyReader implementaton that can be protected from unauthorized changes.
 class StatsPropertyReader
          Immutable property reader that remembers which properties have not been accessed.

Fields in org.xins.common.collections declared as PropertyReader
static PropertyReader PropertyReaderUtils.EMPTY_PROPERTY_READER
          An empty and unmodifiable PropertyReader instance.

Methods in org.xins.common.collections that return PropertyReader
 PropertyReader StatsPropertyReader.getUnused()
          Retrieves the set of unused properties.
static PropertyReader PropertyReaderUtils.createPropertyReader(InputStream in)
          Constructs a PropertyReader from the specified input stream.

Methods in org.xins.common.collections with parameters of type PropertyReader
 void ProtectedPropertyReader.copyFrom(Object secretKey, PropertyReader source)
          Copies all entries from the specified property reader into this one.
static Properties PropertyReaderConverter.toProperties(PropertyReader propertyReader)
          Converts the specified PropertyReader object to a new Properties object.
static boolean PropertyReaderUtils.getBooleanProperty(PropertyReader properties, String propertyName, boolean fallbackDefault)
          Gets the property with the specified name and converts it to a boolean.
static int PropertyReaderUtils.getIntProperty(PropertyReader properties, String propertyName)
          Gets the property with the specified name and converts it to an int.
static String PropertyReaderUtils.getRequiredProperty(PropertyReader properties, String name)
          Retrieves the specified property and throws a MissingRequiredPropertyException if it is not set.
static void PropertyReaderUtils.serialize(PropertyReader properties, LogdocStringBuffer buffer)
          Serializes the specified PropertyReader for Logdoc.
static void PropertyReaderUtils.serialize(PropertyReader properties, FastStringBuffer buffer, String valueIfEmpty)
          Serializes the specified PropertyReader to a FastStringBuffer.
static LogdocSerializable PropertyReaderUtils.serialize(PropertyReader p, String valueIfEmpty)
          Constructs a LogdocSerializable for the specified PropertyReader.
static LogdocSerializable PropertyReaderUtils.serialize(PropertyReader p, String valueIfEmpty, String prefixIfNotEmpty, String suffix)
          Constructs a LogdocSerializable for the specified PropertyReader.
static String PropertyReaderUtils.toString(PropertyReader properties, String valueIfEmpty)
          Serializes the specified PropertyReader to a String.

Constructors in org.xins.common.collections with parameters of type PropertyReader
StatsPropertyReader(PropertyReader source)
          Constructs a new StatsPropertyReader based on the specified PropertyReader.

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.common.http

Methods in org.xins.common.http that return PropertyReader
 PropertyReader HTTPCallRequest.getParameters()
          Returns the parameters associated with this call request.

Constructors in org.xins.common.http with parameters of type PropertyReader
HTTPCallRequest(PropertyReader parameters, HTTPStatusCodeVerifier statusCodeVerifier)
          Constructs a new HTTPCallRequest with the specified parameters and status code verifier.
HTTPCallRequest(PropertyReader parameters)
          Constructs a new HTTPCallRequest with the specified parameters.
HTTPCallRequest(HTTPMethod method, PropertyReader parameters)
          Deprecated. Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use HTTPCallRequest.HTTPCallRequest(PropertyReader) instead, in combination with HTTPCallRequest.setHTTPCallConfig(HTTPCallConfig). This constructor is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0.
HTTPCallRequest(HTTPMethod method, PropertyReader parameters, boolean failOverAllowed, HTTPStatusCodeVerifier statusCodeVerifier)
          Deprecated. Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use HTTPCallRequest.HTTPCallRequest(PropertyReader,HTTPStatusCodeVerifier) instead, in combination with HTTPCallRequest.setHTTPCallConfig(HTTPCallConfig). This constructor is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0.

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.common.manageable

Methods in org.xins.common.manageable with parameters of type PropertyReader
 void Manageable.bootstrap(PropertyReader properties)
          Performs the bootstrap procedure (wrapper method).
protected  void Manageable.bootstrapImpl(PropertyReader properties)
          Performs the bootstrap procedure (actual implementation).
 void Manageable.init(PropertyReader properties)
          Performs the initialization procedure (wrapper method).
protected  void Manageable.initImpl(PropertyReader properties)
          Performs the initialization procedure (actual implementation).

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.common.service

Methods in org.xins.common.service with parameters of type PropertyReader
static Descriptor caller, PropertyReader properties, String propertyName)
          Builds a Descriptor based on the specified set of properties, for the specified service caller.
static Descriptor properties, String propertyName)
          Builds a Descriptor based on the specified set of properties.

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.common.servlet

Classes in org.xins.common.servlet that implement PropertyReader
 class ServletConfigPropertyReader
          Implementation of a PropertyReader that returns the initialization properties from a ServletConfig object.
 class ServletRequestPropertyReader
          Implementation of a PropertyReader that returns the request parameters from a ServletRequest object.

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.common.servlet.container

Methods in org.xins.common.servlet.container that return PropertyReader
 PropertyReader XINSServletResponse.getHeaders()
          Gets the headers to return to the client.

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.common.types.standard

Methods in org.xins.common.types.standard that return PropertyReader
static PropertyReader Properties.fromStringForRequired(String string)
          Constructs a PropertyReader from the specified string which is guaranteed to be non-null.
static PropertyReader Properties.fromStringForOptional(String string)
          Constructs a PropertyReader from the specified string.

Methods in org.xins.common.types.standard with parameters of type PropertyReader
static String Properties.toString(PropertyReader value)
          Converts the specified PropertyReader to a string.

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.server

Methods in org.xins.server that return PropertyReader
 PropertyReader API.getBootstrapProperties()
          Gets the bootstrap properties specified for the API.
 PropertyReader Element.getAttributes()
          Deprecated. Gets the set of attributes.
 PropertyReader FunctionResult.getParameters()
          Gets all parameters.

Methods in org.xins.server with parameters of type PropertyReader
protected  void API.bootstrapImpl(PropertyReader buildSettings)
          Bootstraps this API (wrapper method).
protected  void API.bootstrapImpl2(PropertyReader buildSettings)
          Bootstraps this API (implementation method).
protected  void API.initImpl(PropertyReader runtimeSettings)
          Initializes this API.
protected  void RuntimeProperties.init(PropertyReader runtimeSettings)
          Initialize the runtime properties.

Constructors in org.xins.server with parameters of type PropertyReader
FunctionRequest(String functionName, PropertyReader parameters, Element dataElement)
          Creates a new FunctionRequest.

Uses of PropertyReader in org.xins.server.frontend

Methods in org.xins.server.frontend with parameters of type PropertyReader
protected  void FrontendCallingConvention.bootstrapImpl(PropertyReader bootstrapProperties)
protected  void FrontendCallingConvention.initImpl(PropertyReader runtimeProperties)
protected  void SessionManager.bootstrapImpl(PropertyReader bootstrapProperties)
