 * $Id: Utils.java,v 1.53 2011/02/12 08:22:46 agoubard Exp $
 * See the COPYRIGHT file for redistribution and use restrictions.
package org.xins.common;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.xins.common.text.TextUtils;

 * General utility functions.
 * @version $Revision: 1.53 $ $Date: 2011/02/12 08:22:46 $
 * @author <a href="mailto:ernst@ernstdehaan.com">Ernst de Haan</a>
 * @since XINS 1.1.0
public final class Utils {

    * Constructs a new <code>Utils</code> object.
   private Utils() {
      // empty

    * Retrieves the name of the calling class at the specified level. The level
    * <code>0</code> indicates the direct caller, while <code>1</code>
    * indicates the caller of the caller.
    * <p>If it cannot be determined, then <code>"&lt;unknown&gt;"</code> is returned.
    * @param level
    *    the level of the caller, must be &gt;= 0.
    * @param methodMode
    *    <code>true</code> if the information wanted is the method name,
    *    <code>false</code> if the information wanted is the class name.
    * @return
    *    the class name of method name of the caller of the caller of this method, at the
    *    specified level, never an empty string and never <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>level &lt; 0</code>.
    * @since XINS 2.0
   private static String getCallingTrace(int level, boolean methodMode)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      if (level < 0) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("level (" + level + ") < 0");
      int depth = level + 3;

      // Create an exception in order to have a stack trace
      Throwable exception = new Throwable();

      // Analyze the stack trace
      StackTraceElement[] trace = exception.getStackTrace();
      if (trace != null) {
         for (int pos = 0, i = 0; i < trace.length; i++) {

            // Skip all non-authentic methods
            String method = trace[pos].getMethodName();
            while (method.startsWith("access$")) {
               method = trace[++pos].getMethodName();

            // If we are at the right depth, then return the method name
            if (i == depth) {
               if (methodMode) {
                  return method;
               } else {
                  return trace[pos].getClassName();

            // Otherwise go deeper
            } else {

      // Fallback
      return "<unknown>";

    * Retrieves the name of the calling class at the specified level. The level
    * <code>0</code> indicates the direct caller, while <code>1</code>
    * indicates the caller of the caller.
    * <p>If it cannot be determined, then <code>"&lt;unknown&gt;"</code> is
    * returned.
    * @param level
    *    the level of the caller, must be &gt;= 0.
    * @return
    *    the class name of the caller of the caller of this method, at the
    *    specified level, never an empty string and never <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>level &lt; 0</code>.
    * @since XINS 1.3.0
   public static String getCallingClass(int level)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      return getCallingTrace(level, false);

    * Retrieves the name of the calling class. If it cannot be determined,
    * then a special string (e.g. <code>"&lt;unknown&gt;"</code>) is returned.
    * @return
    *    the class name of the caller of the caller of this method, never an
    *    empty string and never <code>null</code>.
   public static String getCallingClass() {
      Throwable exception = new Throwable();
      StackTraceElement[] trace = exception.getStackTrace();
      if (trace != null && trace.length >= 3) {
         StackTraceElement caller = trace[2];
         if (caller != null) {
            String callingClass = caller.getClassName();
            if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(callingClass)) {
               return callingClass;

      // Fallback
      return "<unknown>";

    * Retrieves the name of the calling method at the specified level. The
    * level <code>0</code> indicates the direct caller, while <code>1</code>
    * indicates the caller of the caller.
    * <p>If it cannot be determined, then <code>"&lt;unknown&gt;"</code> is
    * returned.
    * @param level
    *    the level of the caller, must be &gt;= 0.
    * @return
    *    the method name of the caller of the caller of this method, at the
    *    specified level, never an empty string and never <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>level &lt; 0</code>.
    * @since XINS 1.3.0
   public static String getCallingMethod(int level)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      return getCallingTrace(level, true);

    * Retrieves the name of the calling method. If it cannot be determined,
    * then a special string (e.g. <code>"&lt;unknown&gt;"</code>) is returned.
    * @return
    *    the method name of the caller of the caller of this method, never an
    *    empty string and never <code>null</code>.
   public static String getCallingMethod() {
      Throwable exception = new Throwable();
      StackTraceElement[] trace = exception.getStackTrace();
      if (trace != null && trace.length >= 3) {
         StackTraceElement caller = trace[2];
         if (caller != null) {
            String callingMethod = caller.getMethodName();
            if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(callingMethod)) {
               return callingMethod;

      // Fallback
      return "<unknown>";

    * Logs an exception that will be ignored, with the specified detail
    * message.
    * @param detectingClass
    *    the name of the class that caught the exception, cannot be
    *    <code>null</code>.
    * @param detectingMethod
    *    the name of the method within the <code>detectingClass</code> that
    *    caught the exception, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param subjectClass
    *    the name of the class which threw the exception, cannot be
    *    <code>null</code>.
    * @param subjectMethod
    *    the name of the method (within the <code>subjectClass</code>) which
    *    threw the exception, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param detail
    *    detail message, can be <code>null</code>.
    * @param exception
    *    the exception to log, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>detectingClass == null || detectingMethod == null
    *          || subjectClass   == null || subjectMethod   == null
    *          || exception      == null</code>.
    * @since XINS 1.3.0
   private static void logIgnoredException(String    detectingClass,
                                          String    detectingMethod,
                                          String    subjectClass,
                                          String    subjectMethod,
                                          String    detail,
                                          Throwable exception)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("detectingClass",  detectingClass,
                                     "detectingMethod", detectingMethod,
                                     "subjectClass",    subjectClass,
                                     "subjectMethod",   subjectMethod);
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("exception",       exception);

      // Perform the actual logging
      Log.log_1051(exception.getClass().getName(), exception.getMessage(),
                   detectingClass, detectingMethod,
                   subjectClass,   subjectMethod,

    * Logs an exception that will be ignored.
    * @param exception
    *    the exception to log, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>exception == null</code>.
    * @since XINS 1.5.0
   public static void logIgnoredException(Throwable exception)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Determine detecting class and method
      String detectingClass  = getCallingClass();
      String detectingMethod = getCallingMethod();

      String sourceClass = null;
      String sourceMethod = null;

      try {

         // Determine the source of the exception
         StackTraceElement[] trace  = exception.getStackTrace();

         for (int i = 1; i < trace.length && sourceClass == null; i++) {
            StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = trace[i];
            if (stackTraceElement.getClassName().equals(detectingClass) &&
                  stackTraceElement.getMethodName().equals(detectingMethod)) {

               // Go one level up the stack trace to know which method threw the exception
               StackTraceElement source = trace[i - 1];
               sourceClass  = source.getClassName();
               sourceMethod = source.getMethodName();
         if (sourceClass == null) {
            sourceClass  = "<unknown>";
            sourceMethod = "<unknown>";

      // If there's any exception, then fallback to default values
      } catch (Throwable t) {
         sourceClass  = "<unknown>";
         sourceMethod = "<unknown>";

      // Call alternative method with detail set to null
      logIgnoredException(detectingClass, detectingMethod,
                          sourceClass,    sourceMethod,
                          null,           exception);

    * Logs an exception that will be ignored.
    * @param detectingClass
    *    the name of the class that caught the exception, cannot be
    *    <code>null</code>.
    * @param detectingMethod
    *    the name of the method within the <code>detectingClass</code> that
    *    caught the exception, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param subjectClass
    *    the name of the class which threw the exception, cannot be
    *    <code>null</code>.
    * @param subjectMethod
    *    the name of the method (within the <code>subjectClass</code>) which
    *    threw the exception, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param exception
    *    the exception to log, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>detectingClass == null || detectingMethod == null
    *          || subjectClass   == null || subjectMethod   == null
    *          || exception      == null</code>.
    * @since XINS 1.3.0
    * @deprecated Since XINS 2.0, use {@link #logProgrammingError(Throwable exception)}
   public static void logIgnoredException(String    detectingClass,
                                          String    detectingMethod,
                                          String    subjectClass,
                                          String    subjectMethod,
                                          Throwable exception)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Call alternative method with detail set to null
      logIgnoredException(detectingClass, detectingMethod,
                          subjectClass,   subjectMethod,
                          null,           exception);

    * Logs a programming error with an optional cause exception, and returns a
    * <code>ProgrammingException</code> object for it.
    * <p>The calling class/method are considered the detecting class and the
    * caller of those (one level up) is considered the subject class/method
    * for the programming error.
    * @param detail
    *    the detail message, can be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    an appropriate {@link ProgrammingException} that can be thrown by the
    *    calling method, never <code>null</code>.
   public static ProgrammingException logProgrammingError(String detail) {
      return logProgrammingError(getCallingClass(0), getCallingMethod(0),
                                 getCallingClass(1), getCallingMethod(1),

    * Logs a programming error with an optional cause exception, and returns a
    * <code>ProgrammingException</code> object for it.
    * @param cause
    *    the cause exception, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    an appropriate {@link ProgrammingException} that can be thrown by the
    *    calling method, never <code>null</code>.
   public static ProgrammingException logProgrammingError(Throwable cause) {
      return logProgrammingError(null, cause);

    * Logs a programming error with an optional cause exception and an optional
    * message, and returns a <code>ProgrammingException</code> object for it.
    * @param detail
    *    the detail message, can be <code>null</code>.
    * @param cause
    *    the cause exception, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    an appropriate {@link ProgrammingException} that can be thrown by the
    *    calling method, never <code>null</code>.
    * @since XINS 2.0.
   public static ProgrammingException logProgrammingError(String detail, Throwable cause) {

      // Determine detecting class and method
      String detectingClass  = getCallingClass();
      String detectingMethod = getCallingMethod();

      String sourceClass = null;
      String sourceMethod = null;

      try {

         // Determine the source of the exception
         StackTraceElement[] trace = cause.getStackTrace();

         for (int i = 1; i < trace.length && sourceClass == null; i++) {
            StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = trace[i];
            if (stackTraceElement.getClassName().equals(detectingClass) &&
                  stackTraceElement.getMethodName().equals(detectingMethod)) {

               // Go one level up the stack trace to know which method threw the exception
               StackTraceElement source = trace[i - 1];
               sourceClass  = source.getClassName();
               sourceMethod = source.getMethodName();
         if (sourceClass == null) {
            sourceClass  = "<unknown>";
            sourceMethod = "<unknown>";

      // If there's any exception, then fallback to default values
      } catch (Throwable t) {
         sourceClass  = "<unknown>";
         sourceMethod = "<unknown>";

      // Log the programming error
      return logProgrammingError(detectingClass, detectingMethod,
                                 sourceClass,    sourceMethod,
                                 detail,           cause);

    * }
    * Logs a programming error with an optional cause exception, and returns a
    * <code>ProgrammingException</code> object for it.
    * @param detectingClass
    *    the name of the class that detected the problem, or
    *    <code>null</code> if unknown.
    * @param detectingMethod
    *    the name of the method within the <code>detectingClass</code> that
    *    detected the problem, or <code>null</code> if unknown.
    * @param subjectClass
    *    the name of the class which exposes the programming error, or
    *    <code>null</code> if unknown.
    * @param subjectMethod
    *    the name of the method (within the <code>subjectClass</code>) which
    *    exposes the programming error, or <code>null</code> if unknown.
    * @param detail
    *    the detail message, can be <code>null</code>.
    * @param cause
    *    the cause exception, can be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    an appropriate {@link ProgrammingException} that can be thrown by the
    *    calling method, never <code>null</code>.
    * @deprecated Since XINS 2.0, use {@link #logProgrammingError(String detail, Throwable cause)}
   public static ProgrammingException
   logProgrammingError(String    detectingClass,
                       String    detectingMethod,
                       String    subjectClass,
                       String    subjectMethod,
                       String    detail,
                       Throwable cause) {

      // Log programming error (not due to exception)
      if (cause == null) {
         Log.log_1050(detectingClass, detectingMethod,
                      subjectClass,   subjectMethod,

      // Log programming error (due to exception)
      } else {
                      detectingClass, detectingMethod,
                      subjectClass,   subjectMethod,

      // Construct and return ProgrammingException object
      return new ProgrammingException(detectingClass, detectingMethod,
                                      subjectClass,   subjectMethod,
                                      detail,         cause);


    * Logs a programming error with no cause exception, and returns a
    * <code>ProgrammingException</code> object for it.
    * @param detectingClass
    *    the name of the class that detected the problem, or
    *    <code>null</code> if unknown.
    * @param detectingMethod
    *    the name of the method within the <code>detectingClass</code> that
    *    detected the problem, or <code>null</code> if unknown.
    * @param subjectClass
    *    the name of the class which exposes the programming error, or
    *    <code>null</code> if unknown.
    * @param subjectMethod
    *    the name of the method (within the <code>subjectClass</code>) which
    *    exposes the programming error, or <code>null</code> if unknown.
    * @param detail
    *    the detail message, can be <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    an appropriate {@link ProgrammingException} that can be thrown by the
    *    calling method, never <code>null</code>.
    * @deprecated Since XINS 2.0, use {@link #logProgrammingError(String detail)}
   public static ProgrammingException
   logProgrammingError(String    detectingClass,
                       String    detectingMethod,
                       String    subjectClass,
                       String    subjectMethod,
                       String    detail) {

      return logProgrammingError(detectingClass, detectingMethod,
                                 subjectClass,   subjectMethod,
                                 detail,         null);

    * Determines the name of the specified class.
    * @param c
    *    the class to determine the name for, not <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    the name of the class, never <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>c == null</code>.
    * @since XINS 1.2.0
   public static String getNameOfClass(Class c)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("c", c);

      // Handle arrays
      if (c.isArray()) {
         Class comp = c.getComponentType();
         String name = getNameOfClass(comp);
         if (c.getName().charAt(0) == '[') {
            name += "[]";
         return name;

      // Handle non-arrays (primitives and classes)
      } else {
         return c.getName();

    * Determines the name of the class of the specified object.
    * @param object
    *    the object to determine the name of the class for, not
    *    <code>null</code>.
    * @return
    *    the name of the class, never <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>object == null</code>.
    * @since XINS 1.2.0
   public static String getClassName(Object object)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {

      // Check preconditions
      MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("object", object);

      return getNameOfClass(object.getClass());
    * Determines the context class loader of the current thread if available.
    * If not available the ClassLoader used to load this class is returned.
    * @return
    *    the context ClassLoader of the current thread, never <code>null</code>.
    * @since XINS 2.2
   public static ClassLoader getContextClassLoader() {
      ClassLoader loader  = null;
      Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
      try {
         Method loaderMethod = thread.getClass().getMethod("getContextClassLoader", null);
         loader  = (ClassLoader) loaderMethod.invoke(thread, null);
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
         loader = Utils.class.getClassLoader();
      return loader;