Deprecated API

Deprecated Classes
          Deprecated since XINS 1.0.1. Use synchronized sections instead. The implementation of this class is flawed. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use class org.xins.common.xml.Element instead. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.2.0. Use class ExceptionUtils instead 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.2.0. Use class ExceptionUtils instead. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.4.0. Use class URLEncoding instead. 

Deprecated Exceptions
          Deprecated since XINS 1.4.0. No longer thrown as URLEncoding supports Unicode. 

Deprecated Fields
          Use LogCentral.LOG_LOCALE_PROPERTY. 

Deprecated Methods
          Deprecated since XINS 1.3.0. Use FunctionResult.add(org.xins.common.xml.Element) instead. 
org.xins.server.AccessRuleList.allow(String, String)
          Deprecated since XINS 1.3.0. Use AccessRuleList.isAllowed(String,String) instead., HTTPCallConfig, TargetDescriptor)
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0, since this method is expected to be removed. Please do not use it directly., TargetDescriptor)
          Deprecated since XINS 1.0.0, since this method is expected to be removed. Please do not use it directly. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use DataElement.getAttribute(String) instead. This method has been deprecated since it used to expect/accept a combination of the namespace prefix and the local name in XINS 1.0, although that XML Namespaces were not supported yet. This method is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use DataElement.getAttributeMap() instead, which returns all attributes names and values and which supports XML Namespaces. This method has been deprecated since it does not support namespaces and since it returned a combination of the namespace prefix and the local name in XINS 1.0, although XML Namespaces were not supported yet. This method is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use HTTPCallRequest.getHTTPCallConfig() instead. This method is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use DataElement.getLocalName() instead, which has the same functionality and behavior. This method has been deprecated since it returned a combination of the namespace prefix and the local name in XINS 1.0. This method is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.3.0. Use APIServlet.init(ServletConfig) instead. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Call XINSCallRequest.getXINSCallConfig() instead and then call isFailOverAllowed() on the returned call configuration object. This method is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.3.0. Use AccessRuleList.parseAccessRuleList(String,int) instead. 
org.xins.common.servlet.container.LocalServletHandler.query(String, char[], Map)
          Since XINS 1.5.0. The way the HTTP method is determined is incorrect. Use LocalServletHandler.query(String,String,String,Map) instead. 
org.xins.common.servlet.container.LocalServletHandler.query(String, char[], String)
          Since XINS 1.5.0. The way the HTTP method is determined is incorrect. Use LocalServletHandler.query(String,String,String,Map) instead. 

Deprecated Constructors
org.xins.common.collections.expiry.ExpiryFolder(String, ExpiryStrategy, boolean, long)
          Deprecated since XINS 1.0.1. Use the constructor ExpiryFolder.ExpiryFolder(String,ExpiryStrategy) instead. 
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use HTTPCallRequest.HTTPCallRequest(PropertyReader) instead, in combination with HTTPCallRequest.setHTTPCallConfig(HTTPCallConfig). This constructor is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
org.xins.common.http.HTTPCallRequest(HTTPMethod, PropertyReader)
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use HTTPCallRequest.HTTPCallRequest(PropertyReader) instead, in combination with HTTPCallRequest.setHTTPCallConfig(HTTPCallConfig). This constructor is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
org.xins.common.http.HTTPCallRequest(HTTPMethod, PropertyReader, boolean, HTTPStatusCodeVerifier)
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use HTTPCallRequest.HTTPCallRequest(PropertyReader,HTTPStatusCodeVerifier) instead, in combination with HTTPCallRequest.setHTTPCallConfig(HTTPCallConfig). This constructor is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
org.xins.client.XINSCallRequest(String, PropertyReader, boolean)
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use XINSCallRequest.XINSCallRequest(String,PropertyReader) in combination with XINSCallRequest.setXINSCallConfig(XINSCallConfig) instead. This constructor is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
org.xins.client.XINSCallRequest(String, PropertyReader, boolean, HTTPMethod)
          Deprecated since XINS 1.1.0. Use XINSCallRequest.XINSCallRequest(String,PropertyReader) in combination with XINSCallRequest.setXINSCallConfig(XINSCallConfig) instead. This constructor is guaranteed not to be removed before XINS 2.0.0. 
          Since XINS 1.5.0. The way the HTTP method is determined is incorrect. Use XINSServletRequest.XINSServletRequest(String,String,String,Map) instead. 
org.xins.common.servlet.container.XINSServletRequest(String, char[], Map)
          Since XINS 1.5.0. The way the HTTP method is determined is incorrect. Use XINSServletRequest.XINSServletRequest(String,String,String,Map) instead. 
org.xins.common.servlet.container.XINSServletRequest(String, char[], String)
          Since XINS 1.5.0. The way the HTTP method is determined is incorrect. Use XINSServletRequest.XINSServletRequest(String,String,String,Map) instead. 
