Road map for XINS 3.2
Here is the list of the possible features for XINS 3.2:
- Add support for JSONP.
'X' means that the feature is already available in the alpha or beta version of XINS 3.2
Suggestions are welcome at the Request for Enhancement system.
Road map for XINS 3.1
Here is the list of the possible features for XINS 3.1:
- Switch to logdoc-slf4j and logback or Log4j 2 for default logging.
- X Netty service caller.
- X Easy configuration for sending data compressed (gz).
- X Client default with Accept-Encoding: gzip
- X Easy caching of requests/response.
- X Define response Caching in the BackPack and/or in function definition.
- BackPack for not modified.
- X More documentation for Spring integration.
- Improve maven pom for APIs.
- X Example with jQuery call to XINS API.
- Generate API from database.
- Async package subscription to a function
- X Remove the logdoc package
- Separate the log properties from xins properties
- X Add notice for possible Java & server improvements on start-up
- X JSON calling conventions to return error status code when failed
- X Upgrade libraries (Spring, X Netty, X HttpClient, ...)
- X Support for JSON-RPC 2.0
- X Remove logdoc & translation logging dtd as no longer used. Also check create-logdoc target.
- X Correct log4j filtering for http client.
- X New error codes _FunctionNotSpecified, _FunctionNotFound, _NotAllowed, _InvalidRequestFormat, _DisabledAPI.
'X' means that the feature is already available in the alpha or beta version of XINS 3.1
Suggestions are welcome at the Request for Enhancement system.
Road map for XINS 3.0
Here is the list of the possible features for XINS 3.0:
- X Migration to Java 5
- X Use of HttpClient 4.1
- X Generation of client mock based on examples
- X Interceptors before and after calling convention and/or function call.
- X Load balancer calling convention that forwards with extra parameter
- X Possibility to pass a context to the function (Backpack, Map<String, ?>)
- X Properties for NDC & setting Log4j
- Introduce IDs and classes in the specdocs HTML, for easy styling
- Shared data element
- X Possiblity to add Servlet filters
- X Possibility to define/configure the HttpClient
- X Support other transport mechanisms, such as Google Protocol Buffers or Netty
- X Replacement of PropertyReader with Map<String, String>
- X Replacement Element with org.w3c.dom.Element
- Provide XSD for result in specdocs
- Upgrade tools versions
- Generated tests will use JUnit 4
- X Default reload to 5 seconds
- X Library class now loads version from JAR manifest, once, at class init.
- ? Use XPath in FrontendCallingConvention
- Improve integration with Spring
- Improve integration with Maven
- X Migrate links in documentation to Java 1.6 documentation
- XINSCallExceptions put methods in common
- X Map serializer, converter/builder
- Configuration impl & apis directories
- X Define XSD for _xml type
- _decimal type
- X Log init time
- X Separation of Logdoc as appart library
- X Client side transaction logging
- Validation of XML using XSD
- X DocumentBuilderProvider
- Create WADL based on XINS
- X Support for PUT and DELETE
- Possibility to set it's own web.xml file
'X' means that the feature is already available in the alpha or beta version of XINS 3.0
Suggestions are welcome at the Request for Enhancement system.
Road map for XINS 2.1
Here is the list of the possible features for XINS 2.1:
- java -jar <api name>.war *
- Bean Binding or Data Binding
- Selection of the possible calling conventions *
- SOAP calling convention matching the wsdl-to-api mapping *
- Winstone as internal Servlet container
- More documentation / articles *
Here is the list of the possible features for XINS 2.1:
- NetBeans plug-in
- Eclipse plug-in
- JBI Component
- Integration with ServiceMix, Mule, Open ESB
- Java binding API
Suggestions are welcome at the xins-users mailing list.
Road map for XINS 2.0
Here is the list of the planned features for XINS 2.0:
- XML Schema to types *
- WSDL to API specification *
- Integration with Spring Framework *
- ?_function=_Wsdl *
- Map<String, ?> BeanUtils.getParameters(Object) *
- BeanUtils.setParameters(Map<String, ?>, Object) *
- Remove old calling convention, alpha DTD, old directory structure *
- JSON calling convention *
- Javascript keep the environment in test-forms *
Here is the list of the possible features for XINS 2.0:
- REST example *
- XINS FF improvements *
- Call API with Flex
- Command line call of an API
- Integration with scripting API *
- Auto fill of the forms *
- Shared error code *
- Integration with Ajax toolkits (Google, DOJO) *
* indicates that the feature is done.