Package org.xins.common.service

Service calling classes, supporting load-balancing and failover.


Class Summary
CallConfig Configuration for a service call.
CallExceptionList List of call exceptions.
CallRequest Abstraction of a request for a ServiceCaller call.
CallResult Result of a call to a service.
Descriptor Descriptor for a service or group of services.
DescriptorBuilder Builder that can build a Descriptor object based on a set of properties.
GroupDescriptor Descriptor for a group of services.
GroupDescriptor.Type Type of a group.
ServiceCaller Abstraction of a service caller for a TCP-based service.
TargetDescriptor Descriptor for a single target service.

Exception Summary
CallException Root class for all exceptions that indicate a ServiceCaller call failed.
ConnectionCallException Exception that indicates that a connection to a service could not be established.
ConnectionRefusedCallException Exception that indicates that a connection to a service could not be established since it was refused.
ConnectionTimeOutCallException Exception that indicates that a connection to a service could not be established due to a connection time-out.
GenericCallException Generic call exception, not related to any particular kind of service.
IOCallException Exception that indicates that an I/O error interrupted a service call.
NoRouteToHostCallException Exception that indicates that a connection to a service could not be established because no network route could be found to the host.
SocketTimeOutCallException Exception that indicates that data was not received on a socket within a designated time-out period.
TotalTimeOutCallException Exception that indicates the total time-out for a request was reached, so the request was aborted.
UnexpectedExceptionCallException Exception that indicates an unexpected exception was caught while performing a call.
UnknownHostCallException Exception that indicates that a connection to a service could not be established since the indicated host is unknown.
UnsupportedProtocolException Exception that indicates that protocol specified in a TargetDescriptor is not supported by a service caller.

Package org.xins.common.service Description

Service calling classes, supporting load-balancing and failover.

XINS 1.0.0
